This is Carla. She came to me for knee pain. Two years ago she fell on the left knee x2. As time went on, the knee started to angle out. We call this a valgus deformity. More info - she had a previous surgery to that big toe on the left side and the skin is partially numb. When she comes in she fails to tell me that she has a scoliosis, an old diagnosis. The before picture is hers in her home. The after picture is in my office after her second visit. She has more feeling in the big toe, it feels better. The knee feels better and her scoliosis is much better although she is feeling pain in her back as it is correcting.
This is Rita. She came to me because Tony referred her. Rita had painful knees. The surgeon did the L knee first with plans for operating on the R knee following her recovery. She did not recover well. The sutures popped open before she completely healed and she was still in pain afterwards. Rita has had multiple dental procedures, R eye migraines, hair loss and panic attacks. In the first photo (left), her R face is completely caved in. I was afraid to do too much and stopped here (2nd photo, right). Within a few minutes, she had a panic attack and we had to stop. She went to the restroom and took a break, assisted by her daughter. In discussion, we agreed to going all the way and proceed to max out the treatment and let me do 'more.' She was paying cash and wanted 'bang for her buck.'
Upon leaving, her daughter thought Rita's face was changing. That evening with her husband, she felt as if her R eyeball was "popping out." [ Her right face is widening and filling out and her eye is balancing out; it has been compressed for so long that filling out to normal feels abnormal]. After this first visit, her knees no longer bother her.
Rita returns for 2 more visits because she was sleeping better, had more energy weight around her middle without doing much more than her usual walking.
Total visits: 3, total cost $700.